2010年11月30日 星期二

自製VCM量能開 大立光明年毛利率將升

2010.11.30 【經濟日報╱記者劉芳妙/台北報導】




他分析,在各種手機鏡頭影像解決方案中,EDOF具低成本優勢,低價化智慧型手機市場中,EDOF 取代音圈馬達成為首選,但高階機種手機仍以VCM為主流。



慧洋多元服務 拚世界級船商

2010.11.30 【經濟日報╱記者丁威/台北報導】





















【2010/11/30 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

2010年11月28日 星期日


2010.11.29 【經濟日報╱編譯何信彰/綜合外電】












Singapore Pledges Property-Bubble Prevention


SINGAPORE—The Singapore government plans to pump more land into the city-state's private residential property market in the first half of next year to help temper building price pressures.

The continuation of the land-supply program seen in the second half of this year comes amid signs the government remains concerned about the formation of a housing bubble despite three rounds of measures to curb speculative activity since September 2009. Singapore's home-property prices rose more than 14% in the third quarter of this year from the fourth quarter of last year, according to data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority.

The Singapore government's attempts to address property-price pressures follow recent measures by regulators in China and Hong Kong, as a number of Asian markets see a surge in home prices due in part to massive investment flows into the region.

The government in late August unveiled its third set of measures in a year to curb speculative activity in the housing market, which included increasing the size of the down payment required to secure a second home loan and extending the period an owner must hold a property to avoid paying a stamp duty when selling it. Thursday's move suggests Singapore may not be far from imposing its fourth round of policies to knock the heat out of the market.

Bloomberg News

A condominium complex under construction in Singapore earlier this year

The URA said it will place 17 residential sites on its confirmed list and 13 sites on its reserve list in its land-sales program for the first half of next year. Reserve sites are tendered for sale only when a bidder makes an offer for the parcel that meets the government's sales criteria.

The authority said the program's confirmed list of sites could yield about 8,125 residential units, roughly in line with the record 8,135 units from the confirmed list in the second half of 2010.

However, the total potential number of units from both the confirmed and reserve residential list in the first half of 2011 is a record 14,300, up from 13,900 units in the second half.

"The government will continue to monitor the property market closely and is prepared to inject even more supply of private housing should demand continue to be strong," the government said in a statement Thursday.

The planned supply will also include five commercial sites, one "white" site and eight hotel sites. White sites allow developers to build properties for a range of uses.

The sales program comes shortly after the Monetary Authority of Singapore said in its annual Financial Stability Review Thursday that the government would take steps to temper exuberance in the property market and pre-empt speculative bubbles if needed.

"Current global conditions of flush liquidity and low interest rates may lead to upward pressures on domestic asset prices," the central bank said in its report.

The Singapore government's aggressive land-sales program "tells you the government expects no let-up in the residential sector," UBS analyst Michael Lim said.

"I think this is clearly a signal of the government's resolve to control price momentum in this sector."

Nomura analyst Sai Min Chow said new measures to cool sentiment could include tweaks to current policies, such as an increase in the down payment required for second mortgages or possibly introducing a holding-period tax, which would tax the gains made on the sale of properties within three years of purchase.

Mr. Sai said the government may look to introduce more cooling measures in its 2011 budget in February, which will follow the release of private property price data for the fourth quarter of 2010 in January.

—Gaurav Raghuvanshi contributed to this article.

2010年11月22日 星期一

Hong Kong Imposes More Property Curbs


HONG KONG—Hong Kong's government on Friday took some of its toughest measures yet to cool the city's red-hot real-estate market by significantly raising transaction costs for speculators.

Financial Secretary John Tsang said the moves, which include additional stamp duties for properties sold within two years of purchase as well as lower mortgage ratios, underscore the government's commitment to ensuring stability in Hong Kong's property market as apartment prices continue to soar amid ample liquidity and rock-bottom interest rates.

Resident buildings under construction are seen at Tseung Kwan O district in Hong Kong, Nov. 8, 2010.

Property prices are now near the peak they reached before the last property bubble in 1997, with average home prices up 15% between January and September, following a 30% jump in 2009. The government has over the past year introduced a number of cooling measures, such as increasing land supply and temporarily excluding the use of real-estate purchases in an investment immigration program, but has achieved mixed results.

"The unusual surge in flat prices has attracted speculators. This, coupled with quantitative easing measures, has distorted the market expectation regarding inflation and asset prices," said Mr. Tsang. "Unscrupulous speculators may take advantage of the heated market sentiments to lure people into buying beyond their means."

Mr. Tsang said increases in asset prices and overheated speculative activities bring a "heightened risk of property bubbles forming," justifying the need for additional measures to rein in the private housing market.

He added that he will launch more measures if necessary to cool the property market.

Among the measures announced Friday are additional stamp duties, or property transaction taxes, on properties sold within two years of their purchase.

If a property is re-sold within six months, the government will levy a charge of 15% of the transaction price that is jointly payable by both the buyer and seller. The government will impose a 10% charge for apartments sold between six and 12 months of their purchase, and a 5% charge for those sold between 12 months and 24 months of purchase.

The new duties, which take effect Saturday, are in addition to existing stamp duties of as much as 4.25% of property sales prices.

"This is the toughest move ever as compared with the previous measures that will likely curb speculation effectively in the short-to-medium term," said Kevin Lai, a senior economist at Daiwa Capital Markets.

To further contain speculation and lending in the property sector, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on Friday told banks to lower the ceiling on mortgages for residential properties valued at 12 million Hong Kong dollars (US$1.55 million) and higher to 50% of the property's value from 60%, with immediate effect.

The mortgage ratio for residential properties valued between HK$8 million and HK$12 million will also be cut 10 percentage points to 60%, HKMA Chief Executive Norman Chan said. The ratio for properties valued below HK$8 million will remain unchanged at 70%.

Nomura analyst Paul Louie said the government's measures were "very significant" and "much harsher and more punitive than the market had expected."

He said the tougher rules could result in a 40% drop in transaction volumes of private secondary apartments and, with many speculators out of the picture, stabilize prices in the near term.

Donna Kwok, greater China economist at HSBC, said Hong Kong authorities are limited to administrative measures to counter the inflationary risk prompted by the latest round of quantitative monetary policy easing proposed by the U.S. Federal Reserve this month. "The [government] can't erect capital controls without jeopardizing the stability of its financial sector, which is pinned upon the free movement of capital and drives one quarter of its economy," she said.

"This is the most creative and carefully crafted move from the HK authorities since 2009 for tinkering with demand-side factors in the property market, because the scope of motive has been widened," Ms. Kwok added. "As a result, this latest set of measures will likely have the biggest and most lasting impact that we've seen yet for cooling Hong Kong property prices."

The latest property-cooling measures come after the International Monetary Fund on Thursday urged the Hong Kong government to take further action on the real-estate market if asset-price inflation continues. The IMF said it sees increasing risk of a property bubble in Hong Kong due to continued liquidity inflows and low interest rates coupled with tight housing supply.

However, James Cheung, a director at Centaline Surveyors, said that while the increased stamp duty will likely have an immediate effect on speculation, the longer-term impact on prices is less clear given the market practice of passing taxes on to the buyer.

"If demand remains strong, owners who have held their properties for over two years may have room to increase the price, as there will be higher demand for their property, which is not subject to the high taxes," Mr. Cheung said.

—Kate O'Keeffe, Fiona Law and Shai Oster contributed to this article.

2010年11月21日 星期日

德儀擴廠說衝擊還太早 台廠加速轉進8吋製程備戰

2010/11/20 17:39 鉅亨網 記者蔡宗憲 台

類比IC龍頭德儀(TI)( (US-TXN) )台灣區總經理陳建村正式出面對外澄清,德儀新擴充的12吋廠,以及中國成都與日本的 8 吋廠房將全用做類比IC產品,也使得多數市場觀點認為,德儀用12吋產能生產類比IC產品,恐對整體產業價格造成不小壓力,也將衝擊明年台灣類比IC設計公司的獲利動能。

不過,台灣類比IC廠當然不會坐以待斃,近年便開始積極將新產品轉換至 8 吋製程投產,以維持毛利率水位, 目前以致新 (8081) 進度最為超前, 8 吋投片量占比達 3 成之高,今年毛利率走勢也相對產業平均持穩不少,第1-3季毛利率走穩在35.6%附近水位,第 4 季受匯率影響,預估約較第 3 季微幅下滑,但在 8 吋產能的支撐下,幅度也不會太多。

相對致新的領先,立錡 (6286) 轉換 8 吋製程動作較慢,營收占比僅達近 1 成水位附近,今年毛利率波動幅度較大,今年第1-3季為37.7%、37.86%與38.46%,第 4 季由於有新台幣升值及淡季影響,預估將下滑至35-38%,表現略遜致新一些。


再者,以競爭角度來看,也是立錡不只一次對外解釋的概念,就營收規模而言,立錡與致新的年營收規模總合約僅在100-150億元間左右,占全球類比IC產值比重小之又小,相對德儀動輒13-14%市占率而言,德儀沒有理由為打立錡與致新而大費周章擴廠,甚至做效益不如 8 吋廠投片的產品;因此有業者認為,德儀擴廠對產業價格確實會有競爭壓力,不過還要看生產的產品為何,短期可以預見的是,首波受衝擊的廠商將是如Intersil與Maxim這些大規模IC設計公司,規模小的業者反而安全。



  • 2010-10-05
  • 數位時代 第197期 文 編部 採訪.撰文/趙荻瑗


五月二十七日,北京國際記者會上,宏碁全球執行長蔣凡可.蘭奇(Gianfranco Lanci)與方正集團首席執行官李友簽下一紙「合作意向書」。兩個月後,宏碁發布新聞稿公告,未來七年內,將以六千九百萬美元(約新台幣二十二億元)「租」下「Founder PC」的品牌使用權。





蔡惠芬解釋,過去宏碁在中國的代理商是英邁(Ingram Micro)和聯強,通路主要在一到三級城市,現在加入了方正四到六級城市的通路,布局更加完整。再來,中國的桌上型電腦(DT)銷售表現優於筆記型電腦(NB),而方正的銷售強項就是桌上型電腦,剛好補強了宏碁NB強、DT弱的缺陷。根據顧能調查,宏碁○九年全球銷售量是三千九百七十萬台,加上方正的三百五十萬台,只達到四千三百二十萬台的規模,距離惠普(HP)的五千八百九十萬台還有一段差距。







2010年11月20日 星期六

精元 前十月每股賺3.76元

2010.11.20 【經濟日報╱記者劉芳妙/台北報導】






2010年11月19日 星期五

蘋果新單到 宸鴻達虹趕擴產

2010.11.20 【經濟日報╱記者李珣瑛/新竹報導】













2010年11月18日 星期四

德儀、旺宏擴產 欣銓接單添動能

2010.11.18 【經濟日報╱記者簡永祥/台北報導】




IMF to Hong Kong: Watch Housing Prices

NOVEMBER 18, 2010 Alex Frangos from the Wall Street Journal

If Hong Kong isn’t careful, its economy could be set for another bout of “protracted and painful” deflation and a crash in housing prices like it saw in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Zuma Press
Hong Kong has some of the world’s highest housing prices.

That’s the negative scenario painted by the International Monetary Fund in its annual assessment of Hong Kong’s economy, known by IMF geeks as an “Article IV consultation.”

Right now, Hong Kong’s economy is humming along; the IMF predicts GDP growth of 6.75% this year and 5% to 5.5% in 2011. But inflationary forces are building, with consumer prices likely to be rising at a 5% clip by the end of 2011. Housing prices have shot up at an annual 20% rate the past two years, raising the fear of a dangerous bubble that could eventually pop.

The IMF thinks the housing-price rises are manageable and in line with fundamentals—so far. Home prices don’t reflect “misalignment or disequilibrium,” said Nigel Chalk, senior adviser for Asia at the IMF. Tight land supply, low interest rates, rising incomes and rising rents all justify the increase in housing prices, he said.

But things could get ugly down the road for Hong Kong should housing prices and inflation continue to move higher and get out of equilibrium, as they did in the late 1990s.

Hong Kong’s fixed exchange rate system with the U.S. dollar means Hong Kong essentially imports the interest rates set by the Federal Reserve, currently very low. In other words, Hong Kong can’t raise interest rates to counter a housing bubble and inflation.

“Hong Kong has monetary policy determined by the U.S. in an economy growing much much faster than the U.S.,” said Mr. Chalk.

“Our concern isn’t now, it’s a prospective concern,” he explained. The worry is that down the line, the current situation could reverse, with a slowing economy (and weaker housing market) in Hong Kong and China but healthy growth in the U.S. The Fed would raise U.S. interest rates, and Hong Kong would find itself with an uncomfortable combination of dropping home prices and rising interest rates.

“You could end up where the property market starts to deflate, prices going down, but payments on household mortgages are going up,” Mr. Chalk said. “It becomes harder to pay your mortgage on an asset that has less value.”

Hong Kong experienced deflation and a shrinking economy following the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s and the SARS epidemic of 2003. Housing prices dropped more than 60% from 1997 to 2003 before finally recovering. On average, housing prices in Hong Kong are still below the 1997 peak.

The IMF says failing to prevent a fast rise in prices now will sting later. “Depending on the amplitude of the upswing, the resulting downturn could prove both protracted and painful,” the article IV document says.

How to curb prices? Without the power of the interest rate, Hong Kong has to resort to other regulatory measures, such as increasing the portion of the home price that buyers have to pony up in cash. Hong Kong has done that already several times in the past year, but prices have just kept marching higher. The government has also announced it would increase the supply of houses by making more government land available to developers.

The IMF endorsed these moves, and thinks Hong Kong will have to do even more, such as lifting taxes on property transactions and investments. Mr. Chalk said “there’s a scope to expand those,” if prices continue to rise.

But even all these “macroprudential” measures might not be enough to counter the lack of interest-rate control. They may “at best only be able to mitigate the amplitude of the current upswing,” the report says.

Separately, on Hong Kong’s recently passed a minimum wage-law, Mr. Chalk said the IMF supports the initiative “as it’s desirable to have some protection for very-low-wage workers.” But he added that the law bears watching, and Hong Kongers should be prepared for the minimum wage to even fall, should the economy weaken.

“Our principal concern is to make sure it doesn’t hamper the flexibility of labor markets in Hong Kong,” he said. The government should closely monitor the level of the wage and let it “adjust as economic circumstances adjust, so that it could move up and down.”

2010年11月17日 星期三


  • 2010-11-17
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者謝艾莉/台北報導】









陳繼仁:沒導電漿 太陽能只是板子

  • 2010-11-17
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者謝艾莉/台北報導】







2010年11月16日 星期二

德儀擴建3座新廠 全以類比IC產品為主

2010/11/16 17:20 鉅亨網 記者蔡宗憲 台北

類比IC龍頭大廠德儀(TI)( (US-TXN) )台灣區總經理陳建村今(16)日表示,德儀新擴充的三座(包含德州12吋晶圓新廠、日本新廠與中國成都廠)新廠產能將全以類比IC產品為主,12吋廠明年首季就會有產品問世,至於中國成都新廠未來將以MOSFET產品為主,同樣在明年首季量產。


陳建村表示,三座新廠除了將以類比IC為主外,混合訊號IC也逐漸成為市場上的主流,因此未來也不排除推出相關產品,12吋新廠將在今年底至明年首季就會有首顆IC量產出貨,至於近日公布購買的上海成芯半導體 8 吋晶圓廠房,未來大多數的產品將以MOSFET IC為主,預計明年首季量產。


陳建村強調,德儀擴充新廠產能後,下一個目標將以提升市占率為主,陳建村強調,目前德儀在類比IC領域的市占率約13-14%左右,雖然在市場屬於龍頭地位,不過仍有相當大的成長空間,接下來德儀還將積極佈局包含太陽能相關的電源管理IC產品,以及醫療與安全監控相關IC產品;因此陳建村說,初期 3 個新廠區的產能皆將先使用50%,保留其餘50%用於未來擴展業務範圍所用,顯示德儀擴充業務版圖。

德儀是在2009年啟用位於德州Richardson的12吋晶圓製造廠,該晶圓廠簡稱RFAB,是全球唯一使用300mm矽晶圓製造類比晶片的生產設備,預計今年底完成設備建置,每年產出的類比IC總值將超過10億美元;另外德儀也在今年向日本Spansion買下位在日本會津若松市的晶圓代工廠,其中一座正在營運得將以 8 吋為主,產值同樣超過10億美元。

而德儀近期也買下中國成芯半導體 8 吋晶圓製造廠,未來將以MOSFET產品為主,目前1.1萬平方公尺生產面積,可提供每年超過10億美元的營收規模。

宏碁軟硬通吃 搶百萬用戶

2010.11.17 【經濟日報╱記者 曾仁凱】

宏碁昨天在台灣推出新款桌上型電腦Revo RL100,內建Clear.fi軟體,在歐、美地區也同步上線。







他認為,類似蘋果以iTunes、App store 應用程式服務,把科技硬體和服務串連起來,將是宏碁第三波「類再造」的重要基調。宏碁曾歷經「天蠶變」組織瘦身,及與緯創的品牌和代工分割兩次再造,Clear.fi預期是宏碁第三波類再造的起點。


外資看好新產品、新策略將為宏碁營運注入成長動能,昨天大力加碼宏碁6,070 張,是外資買超第五大,推升股價大漲2.4元,終場收在91.9元。

巨騰 傳獲索尼新單

2010.11.17 【經濟日報╱記者李立達/台北報導】











類比IC廠 將掀價格戰

2010.11.17 【經濟日報╱記者陳碧珠、曾仁凱/台北報導】







張國城說,目前立錡的電視面板、及部分可攜式行動裝置,已開始採8吋晶圓。另外,新推出晶片產品也多半直接導入8吋晶圓,惟實際進度要看設計導入(Design in)的產品終端銷售情況而定,估計到明年底,8吋晶圓占立錡總出貨比重有機會達到二成到三成。

2010年11月15日 星期一

Taiwan’s Blunt FX Interventions

NOVEMBER 15, 2010 Aries Poon from the Wall Street Journal

Of all the roles central banks are asked to perform, keeping a lid on currency appreciation by directly intervening in foreign exchange market is perhaps one of the trickiest. And it’s certainly not made any easier when politicians weigh in with their two cents on how it should be done.

In Taiwan’s case, however, the Central Bank of the Republic of China may do well to listen to the pols.

In a rare display of government criticism, Taiwanese vice premier Sean Chen delivered a broadside against the CBC in the Legislature on Wednesday, demanding the bank radically change the way it manipulates the New Taiwan Dollar.

The issue isn’t over whether the huge intervention that’s been underway in recent months to curb the NTD’s unstoppable gains is in fact money well spent. This is Asia after all, and governments across the region are actively resisting pressure to appreciate. Taiwan in particular has a reputation for being one of the most — if not the most – interventionist of central banks in Asia.

Rather, it’s a question of whether they can get more bang from their buck.

The way the central bank intervenes is quite unique. It buys dollars in massive quantities from state-owned banks during the last 15 minutes of the onshore five-hour trading session. It typically makes only one or two trades, but their size is large enough to bring the value of the NTD against the U.S. dollar back down to a level somewhere very near to the previous day’s close.

So, should investors sell the U.S. dollar during trading hours? Or to wait until the onshore market closes so that they can get a better price?

The tricky part is that investors literally can’t sell the U.S. dollar at those “closing” prices. The banks that are in on the trade with the central bank don’t pass the prices through to the market because market expectations – as reflected in the offshore nondeliverable forwards market – are that the NTD will continue appreciate. The opening price for the NTD against the dollar the following day is invariably lower than it would have been had the central bank not intervened the next day, but is higher than the negotiated trading price. That dilutes the benefit to exporters – for whom the government tries to control appreciation in the first place - who have to settle their trades at less advantageous level than where the central bank intervened.

In short, the central bank’s high jinks have managed to slow the headline rate of appreciation, but the closing prices are in effect fictional.

The problem is that the Taiwanese style of intervention effectively resets the closing level each day, but fails to send a clear message to the market about where the central bank wants the currency to be. In other words, the central bank has failed to draw a line in the sand and instead the market has come to expect that the gradual appreciation of the NTD is the norm.

The contrast with Japan and Singapore – neither of whom shy from currency intervention – is instructive. They have internal moving target levels at which they intervene in the market. They don’t broadcast those levels in advance, but by being willing to trade to defend those levels they signal to the market how much movement they’re willing to accept.

And by knowing the boundaries the market can trade accordingly–a superior approach to having the central bank press reset each day.

One might argue Taiwan’s forex interventions have worked to a certain extent, given the Taiwan dollar has risen less than its rival Korean won. But it’s a case of apples and oranges: Korea’s local-currency bonds are offering more decent returns than their Taiwanese counterparts, attracting additional capital flows.

Taiwan’s forex regime is best judged on its own terms – and surely there has to be a better way.