2011年1月30日 星期日

郭台銘:觸控面板 獨立新公司

2011.01.31 【經濟日報╱記者袁顥庭、李立達/台北報導】


2011年1月29日 星期六

大敵當前 冠捷科技做深、做好、做精準

2011.01.29   【聯合晚報╱記者楊曉芳/台北報導】

目前全球液晶顯示器龍頭冠捷 (TPV)集團正面臨昔日的戰友(原奇美電)與敵手(群創)合併而成一個全新且巨大的競爭對手,且奇美電大股東鴻海 (2317)今年電視代工將挑戰一年千萬台的量,更是用倍數的速度直追冠捷在電視市場市占,而冠捷也在新奇美成立的這一年來與友達成了合資結盟為巴西與歐洲的夥伴。談快速變化的液晶產業生態,冠捷主席兼行政總裁宣建生接受本報記者專訪。
競爭優勢 就是一個字「Foucs」

記者問:TFT LCD產業在去年新奇美電成立後又進入新的競爭時代,你怎麼看冠捷在這個產業的未來?
宣建生答:Monitor( 監視器)已進入成熟期了,我和新奇美兩家公司的全球市占率加起來就已經接近6成,我就占全球3分之1 ,新奇美也拿下2成多不到3成的市占率,現在Monitor的市場需求也趨緩慢了,都已是個位數的年成長率。

答:不能這麼說吧!現在全世界都是競合時代,新奇美的business model(商業模式)跟之前的群創不一樣了,出海口來看是倒過來了。過去群創是SI(系統整合廠),自製的面板是內部自給貢獻的零組件之一,現在他(指新奇美)倒過來了,他面板產量大,SI這個出海口小。

在競合複雜的液晶產業中,冠捷與英業達合資成立英冠達,進軍AIO PC市場,同時與LCD面板廠友達在歐洲波蘭、巴西瑪瑙斯合資成立液晶模組廠,拓展LED背光技術的顯示器及液晶電視。此外,冠捷更與LED廠億光及晶電在中國福清市成立億冠晶光電,全力發展觸控產業。

2011年1月28日 星期五


  • 2011-01-29
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者楊玟欣/台北報導】

     英特爾Sandy Bridge新平台上市,李俊瑩指出,上市反應不錯,1月新平台主機板出貨量占比已達1成,預期全年出貨占比突破5成,看好新品帶動效應,華擎第1季季增率挑戰5~10%。

緯創 穩居NB代工三強

2011.01.29    【經濟日報╱記者王皓正/台北報導】

緯創表示,去年NB出貨2,750萬台,較前年2,550 萬台成長一成;展望今年,緯創已取得宏碁、戴爾、聯想等大型客戶的新增訂單,並且新增一日系客戶。

2011年1月27日 星期四

LG Electronics Swings to Loss


SEOUL—LG Electronics Inc. on Wednesday said it swung to a net loss for the fourth quarter, weighed down by its struggling handset business and sluggish demand for flat-screen televisions amid stiff competition and weakness in European markets.
This was LG's first loss in seven quarters, coming in below market forecasts, but the company said its profitability will improve on expectations its core handset business will start to pick up after heavily investing in new models.
"The first quarter is normally a low-selling season, including TVs, so sales may slow slightly from the previous quarter," said Chief Financial Officer David Jung at an investor-relations session.
"However, helped by our new product launches, including smartphones and LCD TVs, and our continued cutting cost efforts, our profitability will be improved from this quarter and LG may swung to a profit in the first quarter of this year."
For the three months ended Dec. 31, LG, which makes a wide range of consumer electronics and is the world's second-largest liquid-crystal-display TV maker and third-largest handset maker, posted a net loss of 256.4 billion won (US$229.3 million), sharply reversing from a net profit of 361.9 billion won a year earlier. The result was worse than the average 166 billion won net loss forecast by five analysts polled by Dow Jones Newswires.
The electronics maker also reported an operating loss of 245.7 billion won for the fourth quarter, reversing from a 113.8 billion won profit a year earlier, while sales edged up 1.8% to 14.70 trillion won from 14.44 trillion won.
For the full year, the company posted a net profit of 1.28 trillion won, down from 2.35 trillion won in 2009. Its 2010 operating profit was 176.5 billion won, falling sharply from 2.68 trillion won the previous year.
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News
An LG Electronics Cyon mobile phone getting a wireless charge
All consolidated figures are based on International Financial Reporting Standards.
The deep loss comes as LG seeks to overcome a misstep in its handset operations, where it has fallen well behind global rivals such as Samsung Electronics and Apple Inc. in offering feature-packed high-margin smartphones. LG, the world's third-largest handset maker by shipments behindNokia and Samsung, has poured resources into developing smartphones in recent months and is in the process of releasing a new series of models as it seeks to return the key handset segment to profit.
"We are targeting to sell a total of 120 million cellphones globally this year and smartphone sales will be around 19% of that total shipment," said Mr. Jung. Last year, LG sold 116.6 million cellphones.
Sales from LG's handset division, which accounts for around 20% of the company's total revenue, fell 15% to 3.328 trillion won from 3.924 trillion won. But the unit's operating loss margin slightly narrowed to 7.9% from 10.2% in the third quarter. The company sold 30.6 million handsets in the fourth quarter, up from 28.4 million units in the third quarter.
Sales from LG's home entertainment division, which makes flat-screen TVs and plasma display panels and accounts for around 40% of total revenue, rose 5% to 6.205 trillion won from 5.928 trillion won.
For 2011, LG set a record sales target of 59 trillion won ($52.8 billion) and said it plans to invest a total of 4.8 trillion won in capital expenditure. LG posted 55.8 trillion won in sales in 2010.
"Under new senior management, the company will continue to invest in high-potential businesses such as solar energy, commercial air conditioning and water treatment," LG Electronics said in a statement.
Koo Bon-joon, a member of the founding family of the broader LG conglomerate, took over the leadership of the flagship electronics maker on Oct. 1 in 2010 after the resignation of Nam Yong in September due to the company's cellphone woes.
Analysts said LG's new line of handsets should help shore up the company's business.
"LG's handset business is expected to turn around in the first quarter and profitability will sharply improve as it launches smartphones such as the Optimus 2X and Optimus Black," said S.H. Lee, an analyst at Mirae Asset Securities.
LG rolled out the Android-powered smartphone Optimus 2X in South Korea last week through the country's largest mobile carrier SK Telecom. The device has a Tegra 2 dual-core processor made by Nvidia Corp. and will also be released in Europe and Asia.
Its Optimus line of smartphones has so far sold better than the market had expected, analysts say, but critics say the company should come up with new high-end devices with more powerful specs to compete better with other Android-powered handsets, such as Samsung's Galaxy S and the Droid line developed by Motorola Mobility Holdings.
Sales from its home appliance unit rose 14% to 2.819 trillion won from 2.479 trillion won, while its operating profit rose to 78 billion won from 12.2 billion won a year earlier.
Sales from its air-conditioning unit jumped 51% to 912.7 billion won from 606.3 billion won a year earlier. Operating profit was 9.7 billion won in the fourth quarter, reversing from 27.7 billion won loss posted a year earlier.


2011/01/27   【經濟日報╱記者劉芳妙、李立達/台北報導】





中光電上個月宣布與日本觸控面板第二大廠郡是(Gunze Limited)合資在廣州設立觸控面板廠,今年3月開始量產,初期月產20萬片,該廠就是接獲來自奇美電的觸控面板背光模組訂單,顯示鴻海集團與中光電的關係密切。由於奇美電是中光電的大客戶之一,如果鴻海入股,也有助確保下游出海口,兩者一拍即合。





Exxon Predicts Gas Use Will Surpass Coal's


In Exxon Mobil Corp.'s crystal ball, the future of natural gas is looking increasingly rosy.
Associated Press
Exxon sees natural gas use rising. A gas well off Nova Scotia in 2009.
Global demand for natural gas, commonly used for heating homes and businesses and for generating electricity, will increase 2% a year through 2030, the Texas oil giant says, raising the 1.8% estimate it made last year.
This is no small change. It means that Exxon expects the world in 2030 to burn seven quadrillion British thermal units of gas more than the company predicted a year ago. That's about the same amount of energy consumed by California in a year.
While oil will remain the dominant fuel, even in 2030, gas will have surpassed coal to become the world's second-largest source of energy, supplying 26% of world needs to oil's 32%, according to Exxon's annual Outlook for Energy, scheduled to be released Thursday.
Gas usage is expected to grow three times as fast as that of oil and coal as developing countries scramble to bring electricity to billions of people and rich nations replace aging coal-fired power plants with gas-fired facilities, the report says.
Clean-burning natural gas represents less of a global warming threat than coal or oil. Other low-emitting forms of energy, such as nuclear and renewable power, also are expected to expand their share of the world's energy pie.
Exxon's Outlook for Energy is closely watched, as it underpins the strategy of the world's largest publicly-traded oil company. "It provides the foundation for the different [Exxon] businesses to present their investment plans," says Bill Colton, Exxon's vice president for corporate strategic planning.
It's no surprise that Exxon is enthusiastic about natural gas. The company last year became the largest gas producer in the U.S. when it bought XTO Energy Inc. for $25 billion. XTO was one of several North American companies that perfected a method to extract gas economically by fracturing tight rock formations called shales. Exxon also bought small shale producer Ellora Inc. for $695 million and natural-gas shale assets from Petrohawk Energy Corp. for $575 million.

Editors' Deep Dive: Natural Gas Grows in Importance

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But Exxon's optimism comes amid some Wall Street criticism of its recent bets on natural gas, which has traded cheaply since the financial crisis started, while oil has surged of late and thus has been more profitable.
Other energy forecasts aren't as bullish about natural gas as Exxon's. The International Energy Agency and the U.S. Energy Information Administration put natural gas's global market share at slightly above 22% in 2030, behind oil and coal in supplying the world's needs.
Natural-gas prices have fallen to about $4.49 a million BTUs this month from above $13 a million BTUs in mid-2008. Oil prices, on the other hand, were trading as low as $40 a barrel in early 2009 as a result of the recession, but have recovered steadily. On Wednesday, crude futures in New York settled at $87.33 a barrel, up $1.14.
Nonetheless, Exxon, which has its roots in John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, believes the world is tilting toward a natural-gas dominated future and is preparing to embrace it.
Some other large Western energy companies are heading that direction. Earlier this month,Royal Dutch Shell PLC Chief Executive Peter Voser said in an internal publication the Anglo-Dutch oil giant in 2012 would for the first time produce more natural gas than oil.
Mary Barcella, a consultant with IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, says that new technology making shale-gas discoveries economic "is a game changer" that revolutionized the once waning U.S. natural-gas business; Exxon and others intend to take that expertise to other regions of the globe.
Exxon's Mr. Colton says shale and other unconventional types of gas began playing a prominent role in the company's predictions about three years ago, when it realized that a major technological shift had occurred.
Exxon forecasters say that the world will consume about 35% more energy in 2030 than in 2005, driven by population growth and the rapid enrichment of developing nations, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Colton's team analyzed statistics for 100 countries and Exxon scientists gauged potentially disruptive technologies, such as electric-car batteries.
Natural gas will quench 26% of the world's demand, up from about 21% in 2005, the report says. That means that gas usage will double from 2000 levels, but a supply crunch is unlikely, due to the newfound abundance of the fuel, says Mr. Colton. "The world is looking at a very robust supply of natural gas," he said.
—Russell Gold contributed to this article.
Write to Angel Gonzalez at angel.gonzalez@dowjones.com

China to Renew Bid to Curb Steel Industry's Sprawl


BEIJING—China will renew its push to reduce the production capacity of its sprawling steel industry, as its largest steel mills continued last year to make only limited progress in the industry's consolidation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said.
The country produced 626.7 million metric tons of crude steel last year, an all-time high that refocused attention on limited effectiveness of policy tightening and government's attempts over the years to cull the industry's size.
The 10 largest steel mills raised their combined contribution to the country's total steel output to 48% last year from 45% in 2009, and a total of 179 million tons of obsolete steel and iron capacity was shut down, he said.
"We should keep tight control of expansion in the highly energy-consuming [and polluting] industry," he said in a briefing to reporters.
The ministry's data shows that the top 10 steel mills' crude steel output increased slightly in volume terms last year. At 45% of 2009 output, the top 10 mills would have produced 259.6 million tons of crude steel. At 48% of 2010 output, their production would have been 300.8 million tons.
In addressing the reach of the government's policy, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesman Zhu Hongren sought to make a distinction between permitted and illicit output capacity additions.
"In referring to overcapacity, we are not talking about mere 'expansion of capacity,' but blind expansion," he said, without elaborating.
China's steel output capacity has reached 700 million tons, Mr. Zhu said.
The cement industry, beset by similar issues, also saw output rise last year by 15.5% to 1.8 billion tons, he said.

2011年1月26日 星期三

億光 嗆奪iPhone大單

2011.01.27   【經濟日報╱記者詹惠珠/台北報導】


Chip Maker UMC Posts Higher Profit


TAIPEI—United Microelectronics Corp., the world's second-largest contract chip manufacturer by revenue, reported a 46% gain in fourth-quarter net profit because of strong growth in wafer shipments, but said Wednesday that economic uncertainties in the U.S. and emerging markets may weigh on demand for chips this year.
Net profit for the three months ended Dec. 31 rose to 6.42 billion New Taiwan dollars (US$219 million) from NT$4.40 billion, slightly above the average NT$6.04 billion forecast of eight analysts polled earlier. Revenue rose 13% to NT$31.32 billion from NT$27.75 billion.
Increasing popularity of smartphones and tablet personal computers have helped chip sales, supporting the continued recovery of the semiconductor industry from the global financial crisis. But currency pressures and a possible weakening in demand later this year could weigh on earnings growth in coming quarters, analysts said.
"After experiencing growth momentum for over a year and a half at UMC, we anticipate first-quarter revenue to decline slightly due to the strengthening of the local currency against the U.S. dollar and certain customers undergoing product and technology-node transitions," UMC Chief Executive Shih-Wei Sun said at an investors' conference after the company issued the fourth-quarter results. Technology upgrades by customers will affect the company's product mix and weigh on revenue in the current quarter, he said.
Mr. Sun said demand for chips used in tablets and smartphones remains strong and will drive the company's growth this year, though UMC said it expects wafer shipments to decline in the low single-digits in the first quarter from the previous quarter. It shipped 1.13 million eight-inch-equivalent wafers in the fourth quarter, down from 1.20 million in the third quarter.
"[Demand from the] consumer segment will be relatively weaker than computer and communications segments in the current quarter. We also closely monitor the uncertainties caused by the unemployment rate in the U.S. and economic development in the emerging countries," he said.
UMC said its gross profit margin narrowed to 32.1% in the fourth quarter from 32.6% in the third quarter. It said it expects its first-quarter gross margin to be above 25% and its average selling price to fall by a low to mid single-digit from the fourth quarter. It didn't disclose its fourth-quarter figure.
Mr. Sun said the company plans capital spending of US$1.8 billion this year, the same amount as last year, to expand production using 40-nanometer process technology and to migrate to the more advanced 28 nanometer process technology. A chip's transistor components and the spaces between them are measured in nanometers. The smaller and more closely transistors can be packed together, the more powerful the chip.
He said 40-nanometer chips will be the company's main revenue driver this year and that he expects the chips to account for 10% of UMC's revenue in the second half of the year, up from 5% last year.
UMC's capacity utilization rate was 94% in the three months ended Dec. 31, down from over 99% in the previous three months. The firm said it expects its utilization rate to fall to around 90% in the first quarter.
To seek a new growth driver, UMC has joined other major technology companies in Taiwan, including larger rival Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and AU Optronics Corp., in expanding into the fast-growing renewable energy market. UMC has invested more than US$1 billion in companies including solar module company NexPower Technology, solar cell maker Topcell Solar International Co. and solar product trading company SolarGate Technology Corp.
Chief Financial Officer Chitung Liu said he expects the company's solar energy business to contribute a profit in one to two years.
HSBC on Wednesday raised UMC's target price to NT$20.00 (69 U.S. cents) from NT$16.50, citing better-than-expected first-quarter guidance and higher estimates for 2011. It forecast revenue growth of 10% this year with less acute margin pressure due to relatively lower depreciation costs.

Investors Make Early Call on Verizon

JANUARY 26, 2011   the wall street journal

As far as would-be Verizon iPhone users are concerned, the best is yet to come. From an investor standpoint, however, it's arguably already here.
Verizon shares, after rising 1.6% Tuesday, are trading at 16 times the mid-point of 2011 earnings per share implied by the company's guidance for 5%-8% growth, adjusted for various items. That's hardly cheap: Since 1996, according to UBS Securities analyst John Hodulik, Verizon shares have on average traded at about 15 times the coming 12 months' earnings.
Investor enthusiasm is understandable. Next month's launch of an iPhone on Verizon Communications' majority-owned Verizon Wireless, along with the recent launch of Verizon's next-generation LTE high-speed wireless network, are two huge positives for the carrier.
[Verizonherd]Bloomberg News
Indeed, Verizon is projecting its smartphone penetration among contract customers nearly doubles to 50% by the end of this year, from 26% at the end of 2010. Smartphone users generate double the average revenue per user than more basic phones, which don't require data plans. No surprise, then, that Verizon projects revenue growth of between 4% and 8% this year, well above 2010's 1.9%.
Whether Verizon meets its EPS growth target, though, depends partly on how it meets the smartphone penetration projections. Based simply on Verizon's 83 million contract customers as of Dec. 31, the projection implies the company signs up 20 million new smartphone customers this year. That's more than double the 2010 increase in Verizon's smartphone customer count.
The big swing factor for profit is how many of these extra phones are Apple devices, which carry higher subsidies than other smartphones. So the more iPhones sold, the lower Verizon's earnings will be this year. Next year it gets the profit benefit; indeed, the company said it expected earnings-per-share growth in 2012 to about double this year's number.
But Verizon didn't give a projection for how many iPhones it expects to sell. Executives said their earnings projections reflected the Wall Street consensus number of 11 million iPhone activations this year. That figure easily could be too low, particularly given the pent-up demand from Verizon subscribers that likely exists. AT&T, which has significantly fewer contract customers than Verizon, activated 10.3 million iPhones in 2009 and 10.9 million for the first nine months of 2010. Strategy Analytics estimates AT&T activated 16 million for all of last year.
What's more, the 11 million estimate implies Verizon expects to sell nearly 10 million other smartphones. Even with the benefit of new LTE handsets (which won't include, at least initially, the iPhone), that seems unlikely. More likely, then, a higher proportion of Verizon's new smartphone activations will be for iPhones. That would suggest Verizon's 2011 earnings will tend toward the lower end of guidance. That's good news for 2012 profits. Only thing is, priced at 13-14 times 2012 earnings, the stock reflects that already, too.
Write to Martin Peers at martin.peers@wsj.com

NEC's PC Talk With Lenovo

JANUARY 26, 2011,   the wall street journal

A personal computer tie-up between Lenovo Group and NEC can fairly be described as a win-win situation. It's just not a very big win.
The two companies are in talks, though exactly what shape things will take remains unclear. Investors may learn more when NEC reports its third-quarter profits Thursday.
There is logic behind a joint venture between the two. It would distance NEC from a marginally profitable business. NEC once accounted for half of Japan's PC market. More recently its share, measured by shipments, was down to 20%. The unit that includes PCs has the lowest operating margin of NEC's five main businesses, at 1.6% in the September-end quarter.
Last year, NEC made similar moves with its semiconductor and mobile-phone operations, dumping them into JVs as a way of diluting their impact on its bottom line, in an effort to refocus itself on cloud computing and telecommunications infrastructure.
For Lenovo, the pairing offers a chance to lower manufacturing costs—by taking advantage of an increased scale of production—and possibly gain access to NEC's wireless and cloud technology. The larger scale and the new technology could make it more competitive in the fast-growing Chinese market.
But in neither case is this deal going to be transformative. The PC business is commoditized, highly fragmented and threatened by the popularity of smartphones and tablet computers. In that environment, pairing NEC's PC business with Lenovo's may not provide enough of an increase in scale to substantially bolster margins.
Consider that Taiwan's Acer Group, which shipped nearly 25% more PCs than Lenovo in 2010, according to data from IDC, is expected by analysts to have generated an operating profit margin of 2.9% in 2010, according to data from Starmine. True, that's better than the 1.8% analysts expect from Lenovo, but even adding NEC's entire PC business would leave Lenovo short of Acer's production levels.
"Partially correct"—that's the PC answer to whether this deal would be a win-win.
Write to James Simms at james.simms@dowjones.com